Enayet Fatema Chowdhury

Enayet Fatema Chowdhury

Enayet Fatema Chowdhury
Enayet Fatema Chowdhury
B.S.S and M.S.S in economics
Lecturer in Economics
Economics & Banking
Mobile: 01771469637
[email protected], [email protected]


Ms. Enayet fatema Chowdhury is a lecturer of economics in the Department of Economics and banking of International Islamic University Chittagong. She has persued her B.S.S and M.S.S degree from University of Chittagong

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IOe_TN8AAAAJ&hl=en

Research Gate: https://

ORCID: https://

Scopus: https://

Web of Science: https://