
Contact of EEE

List of Teachers, Dept. of EEE, IIUC
SL Name Designation Mobile No Email
1Dr. A.K.M. Azharul IslamEmeritus Professor, EEE01768674457, Extn: 1212

[email protected]

2Dr. Md. Delawer HossainProfessor, EEE01817208143[email protected]
3Mr. Muhammad Athar UddinAssociate Professor, EEE01911610657[email protected]; [email protected]
4Dr. Mohammad Shamimul Haque ChoudhuryAssociate Professor, EEE01798023252[email protected]
5Dr. Sikder Sunbeam IslamAssociate Professor and Chairman, EEE01711443473[email protected]
6Dr. Yasir ArafatAssociate Professor, EEE01818276205[email protected]; [email protected]
7Dr. Md. Shafiul Alam (SL)Associate Professor, EEE01305956016[email protected]; [email protected]
8Engr. Sk. Md. Golam MostafaAssociate Professor, EEE01917823948

[email protected]; [email protected]

9Engr. Md. Ismail Hossain(SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01916998910

[email protected]

10Mrs. Nargis AkterAssistant Professor, EEE01861223729

[email protected]

11Mr. Md. Jaynul Abden (SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01671821450

[email protected]

12Engr. Md. Rashidul IslamAssistant Professor, EEE01815698265

[email protected]

13Engr. Mohammad Faisal (SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01917663319

[email protected]

14Engr. Md. Abdul KaderAssistant Professor, EEE01670538199

[email protected]

15Dr. Md. Ahsanul Hoque (SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01929522672

[email protected]

16Mr. Sayed Allamah IqbalAssistant Professor, EEE01816037775

[email protected]

17Engr. Md. Shahid UllahAssistant Professor, EEE01818074415

[email protected]; [email protected]

18Engr. Khandakar Abdullah Al MamunAssistant Professor, EEE01673740547

[email protected]

19Mr. Md. Jashim UddinAssistant Professor, EEE01819619564

[email protected]

20Engr. Shafait Ahmed (SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01670342202

[email protected]

21Engr. Md. Atiqul Islam (SL)Assistant Professor, EEE01753546566

[email protected]

22Engr. Md. Ismail HaqueAssistant Professor, EEE01881-410154

[email protected]

23Mr. Emranul KabirAssistant Professor, EEE01812427844

[email protected]; [email protected]

24Engr. Md. Jalal UddinAssistant Professor, EEE01911243431

[email protected]

25Dr. Md. Aasim UllahAssistant Professor, EEE01911060435

[email protected]; [email protected]

26Engr. Md. Eftekhar AlamAssistant Professor, EEE01939571527

[email protected]

27Engr. Meah Imtiaz Zulkarnain (SL)Lecturer, EEE01715194595

[email protected]

28Engr. Md. Abdur Rahman Munna (SL)Lecturer, EEE01812812290

[email protected]

29Mr. Md. RasheduzzamanLecturer, EEE01717014712

[email protected]

30Dr. Md. Zahid HasanLecturer, EEE01722261265

[email protected]

31Engr. Md. Nazmus SakibLecturer, EEE01779584800

[email protected], [email protected]

32Engr. Md. Khurshedul Islam (SL)Lecturer, EEE01836766302

[email protected]

33Engr. Md. Lokman HossainLecturer, EEE01813208454

[email protected]

34Engr. Khaled Syfullah Fuad (SL)Lecturer, EEE01703405277

[email protected]

35Mr. M. Tanvirul HoqueLecturer, EEE01521498278

[email protected]

36Mr. Muhammad RaihanLecturer, EEE01829986261

[email protected]

37Ms Tanzim MushtaryLecturer, EEE01639221572

[email protected]

38Engr. Riazul IslamLecturer, EEE01783339233

[email protected]

39Mohammad Tahmid Mahmud (SL)Assistant Lecturer, EEE01747250171

[email protected], [email protected]

Administrative and General Staff of EEE Dept.:
SL Name Designation Mobile No Email
1Mr. Md. Mostafa HelalAssistant Director01680949299

[email protected];

[email protected], [email protected];

2Mr. Md. Ali MurtuzaSr. Lab Technician01715851818

[email protected]
[email protected]

3Mr. Md. Shofiqul IslamSr. Lab Technician01814073925

[email protected];

4Mr. Md. Shafiul AlamSr. Lab Technician01913614041, 01816445499[email protected]
5Mr. Sharif Mohammad Shafiul AzamSr. Lab Technician01914257907[email protected]; [email protected]
6Mr. Mohammed Kamal UddinSr. Lab Technician01946972970[email protected]
7Mr. Mohammad AzimLab Technician01812845655[email protected]
8Selina AkterAdministrative Assistant01819895565[email protected]
9Mr. Kazi Mahfuzur RahmanLab Attendant01828920010[email protected]
10Mr. Md. Abdur RahmanLab Attendant01750538464[email protected]
11Mr. Md. Harunur RashidLab Attendant01812761188[email protected]
12Khadija AkterLab Attendant01866211442[email protected]
13Jasmin Akther MituLab Attendant01943980320[email protected]
14Kaniz Fatema ChowdhuryLab Attendant01859750470, 01619750470[email protected]
15Md. Shahidul IslamPeon01711784673N/A
16Mohammad Kawsar UddinBook Sorter01812203613N/A
17Mr. Md. Ruhul AminBearer01864419840N/A
18Shamima Akter SammiBearer01822534747N/A